Wednesday, 23 April 2008

:: Remembrance of Al-Quds ::

"Al Quds?". What is "Al Quds?"

It means "The Holy". It reflects The Holy place of Jerusalem;Palestine; which is also known as Baitul Maqdis.

"What Palestine is all about? Why do we need to bother about it??"

Do you know that Jesus was crucified there? That's why it is regarded as The Holy Place in Christianity and should be preserved.

Palestine was the origin place of most of the Prophets, from Abraham till Jesus.
Apart from that, it was also the place where Prophet Muhammad (the last Prophet sent by God after Jesus) has been ascended to Heaven from Makkah-Baitul Maqdis-Heaven-Baitul Maqdis-Makkah in one-night journey.

"What is happening overthere that we should be worried about?"

The innocent Palestine people are killed everyday by the cruel and inhuman Israel people.Why? Because Israelians ( Jewish people) regard those who are not Jewish are allowed to be killed. They believe that Jewish is the holliest nation on the earth and non-Jewish are just like animals!

"What the fish?!"

Now you get the idea? Want to know more? Want to go deeper into the history, exposed to the miserable and difficult live faced by the native people in The Holy Land? Let's bring the humanity rights and peace to the Palestenians!
Think about this peeps.
What if WE,Malaysians, were denied our rights to live in our own country peacefully, our houses were vanished, bombardment is everywhere, our small sisters and brothers are beaten with hard sticks till bleeding, our families were died due to the bomb attacks and were killed unreasonably??! Do you want this to happen to our nations? to our country??
Then, wake up guyz! Let's come to the event, where we can build up our mind and spiritual. Let's strive for justice and peace for Palestine, and may The Lord preserve our beloved country as well from such cruelties!

Brought to you by MSM Northwest (Majlis Syura Muslimun, Muslimun Syura Council) and Manchester University Islamic Society.

"Remembrance of Al Quds"

This one day event aims to create awareness among the public, particularly students, of the dire situation in Palestine. Presenting renowned speakers with extensive knowledge and experience on the issue, we hope to understand the background of the issue and roots of conflict that have led to such a critical state of affairs. Thus, it is hoped that with better understanding, we will be encouraged to do our utmost to improve the situation in whatever way possible.

The morning session will be taking us back into history to understand how the current situation emerged. We also hope to better understand why exactly everyone is fighting over and for Palestine - the Muslims and non-Muslims alike. It will also disclose the history and establishment of Zionism and its pre-eminent role in the conflict, with a special interest in the role of Zionist Christians as well.

In the afternoon, our guests will be sharing their knowledge and experience of the issue, what they have personally or communally been involved in to improve the situation, and what we as students and the public can do, and should do, to make a change for the better.


Day: Sunday
Date:27th April 2008
Time: 8.30 am - 6.00 pm
Venue: Roscoe Building, University of Manchester
Fee: GBP 2 for students, GBP 5 for non-students
(All proceeds will go to charity).

For more information, please contact The promotion video can be watched here.

Hope to see all bright faces there, inshaAllah.


We, Malaysians, who want JUSTICE for Palestinians.

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